TNSAR Search 22/01/2005

Medical call at Paige Meadows

While TNSAR was not formally dispatched for this situation, it's included here since 2 TNSAR members assisted in the rescue of a woman who suffered breathing problems while hiking in Paige Meadows.

Around 1pm Ray O'Brien was on his way home from Tahoe City when he heard the Sheriff Office reporting a female in Paige Meadows with difficulty breathing and that snowmobiles may be needed at the end of Silver Tip for a rescue. Ray called Brian York and they agreed to meet at Silver Tip ASAP with their machines.

The Fire Department was dispatched and advised that O'Brien and York were enroute with snowmobiles. Brian and Ray met the paramedics and transported them in about a mile. The lady had been snow shoeing and started having trouble breathing. Her son ran out to the trail head, where he was able to call 911. The paramedic assessed the patient and gave her oxygen. We then transported her via snowmobiles to the waiting ambulance at the end of Silver Tip.

Sheriff Dispatch Comm Van Truck Skiers Snow Cats Snowmobiles
Ray O'Brien
Brian York